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James Voss

James Voss is a full time writer in CryptoLighty. He holds post graduate degree in computer science and has around one year experience in writing about cryptocurrencies. His technical knowledge and passion for crypto led him to our reporting team. He also interested in analyzing cryptos by technical aspects like different charts.

NEM plans for restructuring the platform

NEM plans for restructuring the platform On March 8th the foundation of NEM has announced that they will be restructuring their economic as well as organizational structure. The plan has surfaced after they received funding of 8 million dollars through NEM foundation. The NEM foundation is a non-profit association to support NEM blockchain. They secured […]

Cryptocurrency Investors will Undergo Auditing

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) issues tax laws to the Government of Canada as well as for the majority of regions and territories. Different types of social and economic benefits and incentive programs that are offered by the tax system are also issued by CRA. Recently apart from these services CRA has started to audit the […]

Civil launches blockchain based token CVL

The blockchain based journalism network, Civil is finally opening its door to common man according to a report published on Wednesday. But what exactly is the meaning of that, is it like from now onward anyone from anywhere in the world can access Civil, yes anyone can access Civil registry and can also become a […]

Huobi to support OTC trading platform

One of the leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms, Huobi has declared that they are adding XRP to their OTP (over the counter) trading desk on 6th March. The news was publicized through a press release. The established exchange of Singapore is the 3rd leading crypto exchange of the world according to the day-to-day volume. They are […]

ErisX brings in ex-Wells Fargo employee

On March 5th ErisX’s head of marketing has announced through a post that they have added a new member to their management team. The new role is offered to Mr. Kyle Unterseher a former Wells Fargo employee to take the responsibility as Business Development Executive. Mr. Kyle Unterseher has a strong professional background he has […]

Savings account for cryptos launched by BlockFi

Savings account for cryptos launched by BlockFi. The crypto lending platform of US, BlockFi has declared the introduction of savings program for Bitcoin and Ethereum on 4th of March. The savings account will be called as BlockFi Interest Account (BIA). They are providing a 6.2% interest on the deposit, which is quite high compared to […]