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Carolyn Conrad

Carolyn Conrad has recently joined CryptoLighty news reporting team as a full-time reporter. She has been curating and writing for leading cryptocurrencies from last five years. She holds post graduate diploma in finance. She also holds year long experience in digital print media.

Witness the Coming Bifurcation of Bitcoin

For the past few years, among numerous others, the Bitcoin network has been working with two critically essential ideas related to the asset’s future. One idea explains the narrative of institutional adoption: This emphasizes the possibility that institutions will start purchasing Bitcoin from an investment point of view. While the other idea is decentralization: it […]

Cryptocurrency: the impact of awareness in the Market

Over the last two years, the dimension of digital currency knowledge has heightened. One reason for such an abnormal state of increase in information of people was its rise in December a year ago. From that point forward, numerous associations, universities, and governments have started preparing seminars on cryptographic money. This expansion in learning has […]

80% of Bitcoin Addresses Hold Less Than $100: Study

The dominating run of the bear market is almost on for the last one year, presenting an opportune moment to analyze how the currently circulated Bitcoins are distributed among the owners. The research firm Delphi which deals in digital assets conducted the analysis and found that 22.9 million Bitcoin addresses own some Bitcoin. However, the […]