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James Voss

James Voss is a full time writer in CryptoLighty. He holds post graduate degree in computer science and has around one year experience in writing about cryptocurrencies. His technical knowledge and passion for crypto led him to our reporting team. He also interested in analyzing cryptos by technical aspects like different charts.

Savings account for cryptos launched by BlockFi

Savings account for cryptos launched by BlockFi. The crypto lending platform of US, BlockFi has declared the introduction of savings program for Bitcoin and Ethereum on 4th of March. The savings account will be called as BlockFi Interest Account (BIA). They are providing a 6.2% interest on the deposit, which is quite high compared to […]

Spellcheck vulnerability addressed by Coinmoni

The crypto wallet provider Coinomi has denied the allegation that the wallet has a bug in it that allows the google to view the users seed phrases. Reportedly Coinomi generates 24 seed phrases which in turn enable its users to restore wallet on any platform. And helps them to manage the wallet on phone or […]

Bank of Liechtenstein to offer a trading platform

According to a news released by a Frick bank of Liechtenstein on February 22, they will soon provide their customer with infrastructural access to trade cryptocurrencies from various platforms in an entirely smooth manner. To achieve this vision, the bank will be working with DLT Markets. The bank said, this will permit its customers to […]

Coinbase acquires Italian Startup Neutrino

The major crypto exchange of United States, Coinbase has announced they have acquired blockchain based analytics startup Neutrino. The acquisition was mainly done to proactively prevent the illegal activities that revolve around the fund of the exchange. Neutrino is a blockchain based intelligent startup based in Italy. Coinbase has acquihire the talents of the company […]

Cryptocurrency support to be boosted by Rakuten

According to the latest update from e-commerce giant of Japan, Rakuten Inc., they are planning to strengthen their support for cryptocurrency by adding exchange services to their existing mobile app in a coming month. They are planning to add the cryptocurrency payment in conjunction with traditional currency according to the earnings report published by the […]

Voyager’s All New Power App Brings Commission-Free Trading

With Voyager’s all new power-packed iOS App, customers can trade 18 crypto assets commission-free. Users can connect with over a dozen of the most trusted and secure crypto exchanges in the United States. Presently live in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Montana, Kentucky, Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizonia, the Voyager app is working towards expanding to more […]

OTC desk launched in spite of crypto winters

The significant exchanges Biniance and Bitrex have launched their OTC desk in January this year. The idea behind the launch is the increasing number of institutional investors. According to a study done by Morgan and Stanley, the number of institutional investors will increase in the long run. According to a report published recently, the major […]