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Carolyn Conrad

Carolyn Conrad has recently joined CryptoLighty news reporting team as a full-time reporter. She has been curating and writing for leading cryptocurrencies from last five years. She holds post graduate diploma in finance. She also holds year long experience in digital print media.

Italian Senate Introduces Blockchain Terms into Existing Laws

The Italian Senate has introduced blockchain terms into existing laws through amendments. Referred to as the ‘Decreto Semplificazioni’ or Simplications Decree 2019, it represents the primary regulatory transfer within the blockchain house. This is also regarded as the Italian government’s initial steps towards regulation. The amendment, according to Breaking News, supplies elementary trade phrases reminiscent […]

ING Bank Signs Five Year Deal for Blockchain Technology

ING, the Dutch banking giant, now has access to unlimited Corda Enterprise licenses after signing a five year deal with R3, blockchain technology provider. The deal also allows ING to use Corda Enterprise throughout its various operations worldwide. According to a press release by R3, the Dutch bank will be able to adopt CorDapps across […]

Nasdaq Believes Cryptocurrencies Has a Role in the Future

To the delight of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Adena Friedman, the president and chief executive officer of Nasdaq the American Securities Exchange, said cryptocurrencies has the potential of one day making it as a global currency. Friedman noted that cryptocurrencies have come a long way since it emerged a decade ago. She said they believe that cryptocurrencies […]

EOS Boosts Transaction Speed

EOS has upgraded itself into the new year with a higher transaction speed. The latest version EOSIO V1.6.0 has brought about a 35 per cent boost. In an official blog, the company said it will improve the efficiency of the peer-to-peer networking layer besides real-time transactions to ultimately boost the overall speed. “Our own internal […]

TRON to Launch DACC’s Artificial Intelligence

Companies are catching onto artificial intelligence (A.I) and Tron (TRX) is no exception. HashAI is a new collaboration of DACC platform, content-based blockchain, and TRON. The new AI project will be launched on TRON’s dApp Ecosystem. An official statement by DACC says HashAI is an attempt to expand TRX payment scenarios with artificial intelligence. It […]

Mongolia High on Cryptocurrency Mining

Cheap electricity has been attracting cryptocurrency mining businesses to the East Asian country of Mongolia. Now, this region has emerged as the centre of cryptocurrency mining activity. And Ginco, e-wallet Tokyo-based company, is the latest to be enjoying the fruits of cheap electricity. Mongolia offers lower electricity rates compared to China and Japan. Besides this, […]

Ripple to Offer Blockchain Technology Scholarship with THUIFR

Ripple has partnered with China’s Tsinghua University Institute of Financial Technology (THUIFR) to offer blockchain technology research scholarship program (BRSP). The program will focus on international regulatory policies and development of blockchain technology. Ivy Gao, THUIFR Director of International Cooperation and Development said students will have a comprehensive view of the latest regulations on blockchain […]